Project log frame pdf file

More specifically at the end of this training programme participants will be able to apply the logical framework approach to develop a robust logframe matrix. Click on the run anyway button, or if this is not visible on more info. Sample logframe on the next page is an example of what a logframe might look like after concerns about the use of corporal punishment in a particular community have led a child rights organization to consider a programme intervention. They can be used to appraise project proposal, they serve as an instrument to monitor projects and they can serve as the basis for project evaluation. Logframe is a tool for summarising the key features of a project design at the time of project.

The world bank 1818 h street, nw washington dc, 20433 usa. Logical framework approach logical framework matrix. Finally, it tells you how the project will be monitored, through the use of contentindicators. Pdf what are the advantages and disadvantages of using. The longterm objective will not be achieved by the project alone, but. Project logframe pdf a log frame also known as a project framework is a tool for planning and. The logical framework was originally created as a planning tool for military purposes, and was then further developed by nasa to plan space programmes. This article attempts to explain the usage of this tool with the help of an example of a logframe matrix which can be downloaded from bright hubs media gallery. Project appraisal document and project authorization, in lieu of an activity approval document, for new project designs beginning by july 2012. This approach makes the project manager a primary user of evaluation results. Pdf 1 2 using example of a project explain the use of a log frame. Putting together a logframe is just one part of a projectplanning process for. It has a defined lifespan, but when completed should leave behind resources, opportunities, capabilities and other tangible changes with which people can continue to work.

As an example pdf, if our goal is to create a community of happy. A project is an intervention aimed at improving an existing situation. Project cycle management training courses handbook 1 chapter 1 introduction this chapter introduces the handbook, explaining its role as a support to the pcm training programme, and providing an overview of its contents. After being adopted by usaid in the 1970s, the logical framework, or logframe. A logframe is another name for logical framework, a planning tool consisting of a matrix which provides an overview of a project s goal, activities and anticipated results. Why is the project relevant to society, in terms of the longerterm benefits to beneficiaries and the wider benefits to other groups. This is an method used within a project management methodology project cycle management. It provides a structure to help specify the components of a project and its activities and for relating them to one another.

Work through the project design checklist as an aid to ensuring that your project meets all the requirements of a well designed logical framework. A logical framework approach to project cycle management. This tool offers an explanation of the basic logical project framework log frame used in. It looks like a table or framework and aims to present information about. A logical framework approach lfa1 is a project design methodology that provides a systematic structure for identifying, planning and managing projects. The logical framework, or logframe, is the most common and best known planning tool used in. Example of the original logframe for an agricultural development project see table b2 for comments corresponding to numbers goal target monitoring assumptions improve the livelihood of 35,000 families family income increased by 40% in real terms baseline and evaluation surveys economic a nd political suitability exists.

The logframe has been in use at the world bank since august 1997, when it became a standard attachment to the project appraisal document for. The logical framework approach lfa to project management has been around for about 4 decades. A log frame is a tool for improving the planning, implementation, management, monitor ing and. The project plan may be summarised in a lfa matrix, the log frame. Analysis stage preparatory analysis stakeholder analysis problem analysis.

Project progress reports service providers interested and available to support the programme and to benefit from targeted training 4. After being adopted by usaid in the 1970s, the logical framework, or logframe, has since. A logical framework logframe is introduced as a tool for project formulation, appraisal and management. Factors out of project control which, if present, could restrict progress from activities to achieving outputs. Pdf explain how a logframe is used in monitoring and. Undp project document microturbine cogeneration technology application project mctap government of indonesia. One of the main objectives of the lfa was to provide a common. To understand logframe we need to realise that the project is the mechanism of support. The logical framework or logframe is a document that gives an overview of the objectives, activities and resources of a project. Lfa, the logical framework approach, is an instrument for objective. The child rights organization first carries out a situation analysis that shows many community. A logframe is another name for logical framework, a planning matrix which provides an overview of a projects goal, activities and anticipated results. A logframe matrix is a short name for a logical framework matrix a comprehensive project cycle management tool. Pdf the logical framework approachmillennium researchgate.

While the first part of the guide present what is the logical framework approach and its linkages with the project cycle management, the second part provide guidance to use the logical framework approach for the design of development project and elaborate a logframe matrix. The log frame is a way of structuring the main elements in a project and highlighting the logical linkages between them. Brief introduction to completing the logframe matrix. The logframe matrix the main output of the lfa is the logframe matrix. This sets out the underlying logic of your thinking about how the intervention will work to. It emphasises the involvement of stakeholders from the outset of project identification. Logical framework, logical framework approach lfa, log frame logical framework, or logframe, describes both a general approach to project or programme planning, monitoring and evaluation, and in the form of a logframe matrix a discrete planning and monitoring tool for projects and programmes.

Logframe template level narrative summary indicators with targets data sources assumptions goal. Technical note the logical framework 2 key concepts a project is a set of interventions or activities with a defined budget and timeline intended to achieve a result by solving an associated problem. Plfd project logical framework design pln perusahaan listrik negara stateowned electric company pmo project management office ppm project planning matrix psksk pembangkit skala. Check the logical framework using the project design checklist. It is a method used for designing a project and aiding in planning typically for nonprofit organizations. Many soils in africa are highly weathered, kaolinitic soils with large amounts of oxidic minerals. A complete project management system pms was developed in pakistan adding to the logical framework the use of performance networking for monitoring and reporting systems. The logical framework has played an important role in the project planning and management over the last two decades. Additional implementation policy detail is provided below. Logical framework analysis lfa slide 1 there is no set methodology for developing and. Logical framework logframe template a logical framework matrix or logframe is the output of a program design process where you work out how the program activities will lead to the immediate outputs, and how these will lead to the outcomes and goal. It also provides information about external elements that may influence the project, called assumptions.

Formulating a project plan and completing the logical framework matrix requires some understanding of the logical framework approach to project planning. Logical framework analysis or the logical framework approach lfa is an analytical process for structuring and systematizing the analysis of a project or. It looks like a table or framework and aims to present information about the key components of a project in a clear, concise, logical and systematic way. Click on the download button aboveshould windows and your virus scan software pause the installation procedure giving a security warning, just reply that you would entrust the life of your children and grandchildren to the logframe installer. Explain how a logframe is used in monitoring and evaluation tool in your discussion include its strengths and weaknesses. The logframe is the tool that must be used as the basis for designing projects. Lfa is a systematic planning procedure for complete project cycle management it is a problem solving approach which takes into account the views of all stakeholders it also agrees on the criteria for project success and lists the major assumptions.

The world bank logframe handbook, a logical framework. The logical framework is often used as a basis for monitoring and evaluation. The basic logframe matrix contains 16 cells organized into 4. It clearly displays the overall design of a project using a visual matrix and text. Pdf download is a firefox extension that improve your surfing experience. Project management information system mis number of monitoring visits during the courses project management information system mis type of youth friendly microfinance services offered by mfis target 1 project reports number of youth accessing mf services savings, loans project management information system mis. Greta jensen bond the logical framework approach july 2010 how to guide page 2 what is a logical framework approach. A log frame also known as a project framework is a tool for planning and managing development projects. It also identifies the measures by which the project s anticipated results will be monitored. The logical framework approach is taught now in government and academic institutions in the u.

The logical framework matrix is used to present information about project objectives, outputs and activities in a systematic and logical way. The logical framework requires clear objectives and then bases evaluation on. The logical framework logframe is the core reference document throughout the entire project management cycle. It becomes a standard approach which required by many donors for grant applications. Logical framework example logical framework example purpose to help build an evaluation framework it is helpful to develop an outcomes roadmap or logic model. This pd guidance is the primary vehicle for implementing the usaid policy framework 20112015. A logframe document is the output of the lfa process. Overview of the logical framework approach log frame matrix, a documented product of the lfa is prepared before a project proposal and makes its integral part. One of the reasons for this is that a logical framework is often treated as a contractual document, and project or programme staff may feel. Integrated soil fertility management in the tropics rationale and changes rationale.

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